Or as my daughter used to spell it…”famolee.”  Joe, Sharlene & Tatum hung out with me one beautiful, sunny Friday evening in June.  We got together and it was so bittersweet!  They are on the brink of an exciting new adventure moving to Texas where Tatum lives with her mom and Joe just got a new job.  So great, yeah?  But I have been chatting with them over the past year or so bonding over our Asian-ness and now I have to say goodbye?  So not fair!  And not only being Asian, but Joe and I are practically siblings because we are both Korean and Scottish.  Random fact that I’m sure you wanted to know!  Anyway, Joe, Sharlene and Tatum…I had so much fun getting to know you and although I am sad to see you go, I am so excited for your new adventure!!!  img_91841img_92031img_92091img_92371img_92451img_92531img_93121js1


what a sweet little family! :) that little girl looks like she is ready to be a wild child, love her cute little shoes and the perspective on that one. and that first one too…

You are so good with family sessions – maybe you can teach me your tricks one day! I love that there are sweet moments with the parents as well as with the daughter ~ a harmonious family! :)

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